What is Ketosis?

What is Ketosis?

…Very low calorie diets (VLCD) are designed to bring on a mild form of ketosis, which means your body shifts from using primarily carbohydrates to fats as an energy source. Ketones are by-products that are created when your body has to switch to fats as an energy source. It means your store of glycogen or carbohydrates has been depleted.

One of the consequences of ketosis is a decrease in appetite, which helps make it easier to follow a VLCD program.

Is ketosis harmful?

…Whilst your body and brain usually use carbohydrates as their main energy source, during ketosis, the body burns fat and ketones are produced which supply the brain with energy. Excess ketones that your body does not use are excreted via urine and breath (thus the incidence of bad breath in some cases). Ketosis also causes you to shed excessive amounts of sodium, potassium and water, which in turn can cause dehydration, fatigue, headaches and constipation. However, your body can adjust to these changes in your electrolyte levels.

… Before your body transitions into ketosis, you will most likely feel hungry. The hunger usually only lasts for about 3 days as your body is transitioning into ketosis. Once in a ketotic state, the ketones generated will curb hunger in most people…

Your body will take a few days to adjust to the switch from using carbohydrates to fats as an energy source and once ketosis has set in, these symptoms should generally cease…

Once ketosis has occurred… symptoms usually pass by days 3-6. This is followed by an increase in energy and reduction in appetite… It’s also important to know that these are typical symptoms…

The ketosis was unpleasant, but it was neither dangerous nor permanent.


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